6th International Festival of Varadero Gourmet 2014

Continuing with our commitment and development in Cuba, we have been faithful in the 6th International Festival of Varadero Gourmet 2014, developed from 23 to 25 April in Varadero with notable success visitor.

Introducing our Dispensing machines for coffee service in jugs breakfast buffet as well as for the cup, our freeze dried coffee 100% Arabica, our milk Milkplus kitchen / pastry and as presenting the same Chocolate fountains, with our product developed by our R&D lab: Chocofont Black, White and Strawberry with a great reception from visitors.

We also have at our booth with a representative sample of more than 200 products we sell in Cuba through ITH and AT Distributor Gaviota.

For our most stand paraded Purchasing Managers, F&B, Kitchen and Pastry Chef of the chains present in Cuba, as well as the different personalities of Formatur schools and Heads of House Chef.
We were honored to meet the president of Distributor ITH, Mr. Abelardo Fernández Falero and His Excellency Minister of Tourism of Cuba, Manuel Marrero Mr., who were very interested in all the news and offers projects Hotelsa stop improving the cuisine of the Cuban tourism industry.

Thanks for everything and 2015.

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